Wholesale Information

Happy Pets. Happy Customers.

Business Purchase Application

Set up a business purchase account with Exclusively Pet.

Distributor Partners

Exclusively Pet’s distribution partners.

Product Images

Downloadable photos for use in ads, websites, catalogs and store displays.


Downloadable sell sheets, product and display information.

Private Label

Exclusively Pet, Inc. manufactures kosher dog cookies for companies interested in marketing their own brand of treats.

International Business

Find out how you can carry Exclusively Pet’s line of products in your country as a retailer or distributor.

Bulk Items

Exclusively Pet’s bulk cookies are ideal for bulk bins, gravity feed fixtures, and gumball-type machines.


Restock your entire supply of Exclusively Pet products in self-contained floor displays.

Exclusively Pet offers a wide variety of treats for your customers. If you are a business and have questions, please contact us.