Personally, we here at Exclusively Pet LOVE dressing up our pets. We have seen a ton of different costumes, but here are a few of our favorites this year.
Jasmine is the cutest pumpkin we’ve ever seen! Look at that hat!
Angus is the most intimidating Batman…and he won a Halloween costume contest this year!!
He portrays Michelangelo quite well! I’m sure he already ate the pizza, but where does he keep the nun-chucks?
What a cute gnome! Can he come sit in our garden?
Pooh Bear had too much honey…#naptime
The “Footrest” from Beauty & the that’s just really clever!
Robin Hood is looking FOXY!
We know your pets will be cute dressed up, but are they safe?? Find Halloween Dog Safety Tips from our friends at Pet Treater. PLUS a Halloween coupon just for you on their monthly box here.
What are you dressing up your pets as this Halloween? Let us know in the comments!