Can you believe it? Thanksgiving is only TWO weeks away! Show how thankful you are by giving a thoughtful hostess gift! Here are our favorite Fall themed gifts: Hungry Hounds Harvest Duo Gift Pack – Perfect gift for dog owners with great fall flavors, pair it...
Do you have a costume ready for your pet? We’ve narrowed it down to the BEST pet costumes we’ve ever seen for Howl-o-ween. We hope this inspires you to win those Costume Contests! Sources:...
As responsible animal owners, we all know better than to leave a pet alone in a hot car, not even for one minute. But as temperatures begin to rise, there are a number of other hazards that come into play on a hot summer’s day. Everything from dehydration to suffering...
The beach is a fun place for everyone to enjoy including your pet dog. Unfortunately, some owners don’t realize the possible dangers at the beach that can affect your pet. While it’s a great place to take your dog, all pet owners need to be on the lookout to ensure...
Summer is the perfect time to exercise your pet! Overweight pets and pet obesity is on the rise, making it more important to keep our furry friends in shape. Freelance journalist, Amber Kingsley created a helpful infographic showing suggested activities for dogs...
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